Visual Studio 2015 Breaks New Logins

Update: I can confirm that this issue is fixed in Visual Studio with Update 1.

I recently ran into an issue where after pushing out new Visual Studio 2015 installs (with SCCM), new users could not log into those machines. When trying to log in with a new user, the following error occurs: “The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.”

When looking at the Event Logs, I saw access denied errors related to failing to copy some files to the users new profile from C:\Users\Default. (This hidden default profile is what all new user profiles are based from.)

SCVMM 1801 Upgrade Fails

When going through the upgrade process, I got a failure when install the upgraded Management Server.

After digging through the setup logs (C:\ProgramData\VMMLogs), I found this in the SetupWizard log file: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ‘PK_tbl_NetMan_PortClassification’. Cannot insert duplicate key in object ‘dbo.tbl_NetMan_PortClassification’. The duplicate key value is ().